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- ._______ ______ ________ ___ _____ ______ _______ _________
- .-| _ \ _\____ \ _\__ / / / _\____ \ | ____/_ | _ /_-.
- |:| \ \_ / \_ / \_ \ \ / \_ \ \_ /____/ /:|
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- <------------------------------------\____\------------------------lm!-->
- SHOWTIME article/adverts reader 1.5 by Modem/Darkage
- * (based on the previous source by Randy/Ram Jam)
- What is & distribution notice:
- ShowTime is a diskmagazine published by Ram Jam group, with the demo scene as
- subject, and it has also the only CHART alive.
- This utility is able to display showtime articles to test them, but you have
- to edit articles manually with a text editor like cynus ed.
- In the current version it is not possible to place any cliparts within
- the articles, but this will be done by the coder himself, as it isnt that
- hard to include afterwards.
- Cliparts must have the max size of 320x180 in Hires and can use 15 colours.
- Mark the place, where the cliparts should be included. In this case, consider
- that the 15 text colours available will be the ones of clipart, and not the
- default ones!!!!
- The text print system is based on the original one by MASE/Ram Jam, but is
- recoded and enhanced. The "official" suffix for ShowTime files is ".st".
- STread is an utility coded especially for Ram Jam members that wants to adjust
- the design of articles directly, freeing much time to poor Ram Jam coders that
- receive only plain ascii texts to adjust.
- But, since many article writers like to design their own articles directly,
- I decided to release it also to not RamJammers, but the only use of this
- utility must be the design of articles for SHOWTIME.
- You can send articles, adverts, clip arts to:
- Scozzari Franco
- Via Risorgimento 13/B
- 90040 Capaci (PA) Italy
- Contact me for bug report:
- Modem/Darkage
- Paolo D'Urso
- Corso Garibaldi ,5
- 06049 Spoleto (PG)
- Or contact the original author:
- Randy/Ram Jam
- Fabio Ciucci
- Via S.Leonardo, 13
- 55100 LUCCA
- Requirements:
- This utility needs a 68020+ and AGA chipset, like ShowTime, and also the
- reqtools.library in libs:
- How to start:
- Run this utility from cli/shell, and will appear the file requester to select
- a showtime (.st) article. If the st format is wrong, the article will be not
- load, and error message(s) will be written in the shell window: look at them!
- If you quit, you can choose another file to load (or the same updated in
- multitasking with an editor), or quit definitely selecting "Cancel" in the
- requester.
- Instructions:
- Ok, now you have read about the Viewer, but how do I write articles or
- adverts for Showtime ?
- To edit a ShowTime article you must start from a normal ascii text, without
- TABS (use spaces instead), and you can choose between two columns of text
- or fullpage, I will explain later how to do that.
- You can use all characters, including the special ALT+xx ones, like ²³¢¼½°©ð,
- except for 16x16 and 24x24 fonts, that have only normal characters.
- You can select the colour and the font type/size, but not load the cliparts,
- that is easy for me to apply manually, just reserve the space and give me the
- clipart (15 colours hires, max 320x180, when colour0 is "transparent").
- Also adverts can be tested, the routine is the same, only consider that in
- this part (DIARY) the background is blue and the color 02 will FLASH: to
- simulate this, press the MAG<->DIARY swap button in the panel.
- I added also the option to convert the article to ASCII only and save it.
- Keys: Q to Quit, -> and <- to swap pages.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Well, the commands are:
- { -> To change font and color
- } -> To end text
- -The } command don't need comments.
- -The { command has a special syntax, which must be used to get a pleasant
- result.
- {Ncc -> N=font number, cc=colour 00-07
- Examples:
- {100 Font number 1, color 00
- {005 Font number 0, color 05
- These fonts are available:
- {000 Font num. 0. 8x8 normal
- {100 Font num. 1. 8x8 Bold (bold)
- {200 Font num. 2. 8x8 fine (fine)
- {300 Font num. 3. 16x16 fine (an 8x16 spaced)
- {400 Font num. 4. 16x16 full
- {500 Font num. 5. 8x8 fine n.2
- {600 Font num. 6. 24x24 normal style
- {700 Font num. 7. 24x24 style "cowboy"
- {800 Font num. 8. 24x24 style "modern"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- About colors, there are 15 available (range 00-14):
- {000 Colour 00 White (use this for the main text..)
- {001 Colour 01 lighter blu
- {002 Colour 02 lighter green (will flash in diary-adverts part)
- {003 Colour 03 yellow
- {004 Colour 04 green
- {005 Colour 05 blu
- {006 Colour 06 gray
- {007 Colour 07 pink
- {008 Colour 08 lighter white
- {009 Colour 09 red
- {010 Colour 10 orange
- {011 Colour 11 violet
- {012 Colour 12 brown
- {013 Colour 13 dark pink
- {014 Colour 14 red/blu
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Now you know how to use fonts and colours for your text, but
- if you still need an example, here is one small text:
- <- This indicates 38 chars per
- ------------------------------------- line, including the "return" !
- {304How to paint with {303DPaint {304...
- {000Ever tried to paint with {003DPaint {000?
- Its so easy, just start the progam
- and use a brush of your own.... }
- --------------------------------------
- The text will start with a 16x16 charset and a green colour, the
- "DPAINT" is highlighted in yellow. Afterwards I changed to the
- normal charset (8x8 with colour white) and write most of the text,
- just highlighting the "DPaint" again (the questionmark is white
- again!!!). The last thing is the closing waved bracket, which indicates
- the end of the article.
- Showtime offers you two modes for your articles/adverts, one or two
- columns to be used. If you write articles with 38 chars or less per
- line, you will get two columns, but remember that a RETURN on an
- editor will also be a character and used in the display, so dont wonder,
- if you will get a messy article, if you forget that!
- Each column is 38x21, you might check the "design" in order to make the
- article more readable and dont cut half of a schedule to another page.
- The second mode works with 78 chars per line (full page), if you want this
- mode in your articles, you must extend the last line of each page
- (line 21) with more than 38 chars (if your line does not have that many
- chars in there, use SPACEs to make it larger !!!!!!!). You have to repeat
- this for every new page.... This sounds annoying, but gives us the
- opportunity to mix both styles in one article (for example, you might
- use a plain text with 38 chars per line and use a schedule with 78
- lines then. Afterwards you continue with the 38 mode and write the rest
- of the article.
- Anyway, if you write an article for SHOWTIME, first write it with your
- editor and check, if it does fit into the restrictions and re-edit it
- (if it doesnt look good).
- The last thing you should do is adding the colours, although that will
- virtually scrap the design with the 38 or 78 lines it will work, as the
- colour-changing chars wont affect the normal text design at all !!!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Here is an example of 38/78 columns mode:
- If you write max 38 columns the text
- will be draw in 2 columns, like now!
- Well, but is also possible to write a max of 78 columns, in full page: to
- hevitate the 2 columns routine you have to exceed the 38th column at the end
- of the page, so ShowTime will understand that is not the case to draw another
- column:
- This is the last line, so EXCEED the 38th column to hevitate the 2nd column!
- Ok, is all for now! But remember that
- spaces placed over the 38th line in a
- 2 column article can cause BUGS!! So
- check every time if there are spaces
- over the 38th column!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- IMPORTANT: There are no ckeckings about overwriting texts, especially for
- or probably Streader will cause a guru meditation.
- NOTE: There is a bug that I was lazy to fix in time: if you read through the
- text until the last page, everything seems to be fine, but if you then
- switch back pages, sometime the colour of the first lines is
- different to its normal state. This is because the last colour from
- the previous read page is applied to the start of actual page...
- To fix it place a color command {xXX in the first line of every page.
- I think this is not a "bug", if you remember to redefine txt colour
- every start of page, when it is required.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- History:
- News from 1.0 to 1.1: Now is possible to use all the 15 colours, instead
- of only 8. The range is 00 - 14.
- On the 8x8 fonts now all the ¹²³¢¼½¾·«»-å°©®þ¤µ¡ø
- characters are usable, so you can use ansi logos
- (especially adverts) with alt+xx characters.
- NOTE: you can't use { } § , because are commands.
- { and } are for text, § is used for cliparts, don't
- insert any § in your texts!!!
- News from 1.1 to 1.2: Added a filerequester using reqtools.library.
- So is needed reqtools.library in libs: dir...
- News from 1.2 to 1.3: Now there is a font n.5, added a st format checker
- that display errors like "out of color", "out of
- font", "you forgot } at the end"... added the
- mag<->diary background palette swapping, added
- an st->ascii converter.
- News from 1.3 to 1.4: Removed the showtime logo and background scaled to 4
- colors instead of 16, just to make the exe file
- smaller and save space. You can use the 1.3 version
- if you like the logo!
- News from 1.4 to 1.5: Fixed the background and setted again to 16 colours.
- Removed those ugly grey lines between the panels.
- Optimized the init routine. Now you can draw articles
- big also up to 50 pages! (update made by Modem/Darkage)
- Signed: Fashion, Randy/Ram Jam and Modem/Darkage
- }